Sequencing Technology
Neuromics Support Facility offers a wide range of scientific support to researchers, scientists, industrial and commercial collaborators. Our focus is DNA, amplicon, plasmid and RNA sequencing, complemented with bioinformatics support. Team originates from within VIB-UAntwerp Center for Molecular Neurology (CMN), where we gathered theoretical and practical expertise in high throughput genetic analyses. Since 2002, we have been offering Sanger sequencing services to internal and external customers.Data processing is performed automatically and in optimal conditions. We also offer consultation and assistance upon customer’s request. Years of collaboration with industrial partners resulted in a setting and a methodology where confidentiality of the data is assured.
Contact us to discover how we can help you move from an idea to data within your budget.
As auxiliary services we also offer wide variety of DNA and RNA control, from UV-VIS, Fragment analysis and Fluorescence concentration measurements to full DNA and RNA QC, consisting of estimation of purity (UV/VIS), concentration (fluorescent analysis) and integrity (capillary analysis) (r). For QC requests please first contact us with a request via email and fill in Sequencing Order Form.
Sanger Sequencing service
Sanger sequencing service utilizes automatized procedures, using Biomek® FX and NX liquid handlers for template preparation followed by sequencing reaction and sequencing loading
on Applied Biosystems 3730XL DNA Analyzer, known as the gold standard for high throughput genetic analyses.
Sequencers are used for base detection and DNA fragment analysis applications. This instrument in combination with the very sensitive ABI PRISM® BigDye™ Terminator cycle sequencing kits yields long reads with low-level background, while multiple automation steps decrease costly human errors. For template cleanup, we use Illustra™ ExoProStar™ and for dye-terminator removal, Agencourt CleanSEQ beads.
Sanger details → How to order →
For Sanger sequencing service and support, please contact us on [email protected].
Long Read Sequencing
Next to the Sanger sequencing, we offer on request several other non-standard services, such as DNA and RNA quality assessments, sample prep and library prep.
In 2017, we started offering different applications using long read sequencing (ONT, Oxford Nanopore Technologies). Using our expertise and excellent collaboration between CMN scientists and VIB Innovation lab we have developed several strategies for library prep, sequencing and data analysis using direct, long read DNA, primarily for structural variants, single nucleotide variants and epigenetic analysis. We also support targeted and cDNA sequencing, next to other applications, so do contact us, if native, long read sequencing can boost your research and science!
Next to sequencing, we offer data analysis and interpretation. Main strength of our analysis support lies in providing solutions using customized, comprehensive evaluation of genomic and transcriptomic data and includes current, advanced gene set and pathway modelling and annotations.
Costs of our services are project based and possible to receive upon project description. If you decide to submit your NGS project to us, please inquire and we will supply you with all needed information, including order and sample submission forms.
For long read sequencing related related projects and support, please contact us on [email protected] and for bioinformatics support please contact us on [email protected].
Terms and Conditions for long read sequencing
If you plan to include sequencing services in grant application or research strategy, feel free to contact us for assistance.