How to order
- Fill out the Sequencing Order form (guidelines)
- Fill out the Electronic Sample Sheet (ESS) (ESS guidelines)
- Sent the filled out ESS to [email protected]
- Include a printout of the filled out Sequencing Order form and ESS with the order
- Prepare your samples following the sample submission guidelines strictly
Sent the order to : VIB Neuromics Support Facility
Universiteit Antwerpen, Campus Drie Eiken
Building V, Room V1.16
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Wilrijk

Sequencing Order form guidelines ↑
A complete order must contain following information :
- Order Reference
- Date
- Valid Invoice Address
- Valid Delivery Address
- Signature
- Valid set of options
- Correct number of reactions
- Cost per reaction, final order cost and VAT, when applicable
Remarks :
- Order Reference: fill in Purchase Order number in "Customer : Order Reference."
- Delivery Address: the email address specified will be used for email order confirmation and to send the sequencing data.
Available options :
- Time schedule;
- Normal : Up to five business days from confirmation of order to data delivery (normally within 48 h)
- Prior : Orders with priority arriving before 3pm are immediately processed on the same day after confirmation of order and quality checked and sent immediately after sequencing (from confirmation to data normally within 24h)
If the full order fails, sequencing will be repeated once to exclude errors in our experimental procedures.
For good quality data, minimum length of the template above 120 bases is recommended.
DNA/RNA quality control guidelines ↑
For requesting QC please first contact us for price estimation via email, where you specify the number of samples and type of QC you request.
After you receive the price estimation, fill in the Sequencing ordering form and deliver minimum 5 µl of your sample for individual QCs and min 15µl of your samples for full QC.
If you are requesting UV/VIS quantification and your sample is eluted in a specific elution buffer, do supply us with the aliquot of the buffer too.
Samples can be delivered in plate format or in tubes.
If delivered in plate format, we will use identifiers based on the wells used. Please use the QC Sample Sheet (QCSS) with ID s either reflecting the well positions or identifiers written on a tube.
If you are requesting Fragment analysis or Fluorescence measurements please add the UV/VIS concentration measurements (ng/µl) in the QC Sample sheet.
Results will be communicated via email.

Electronic Sample Sheet guidelines ↑
- Use one line per sequence.
- Fill in all needed information.
- The columns "Template" and "Primer" are combined to constitute sequence filename. This combination should be unique and shorter than 20 characters; additional characters will be truncated in the filename.
- This column is obligatory.
- ID stands for "Identifier"
- For templates delivered in tubes, specify unique number in the column "ID/WELL" starting from 1 (1, 2, 3…) for every template in an order. This ID number should be clearly written also on the template tubes.
- For templates delivered in a 96-well plate, specify well locations in the column “ID/WELL” . If more than 1 plate is delivered, also indicate the plate name which is unique to every plate.
- This column is obligatory.
- Name of the template, will be used in the filename.
- Only use the following characters: numbers (0-9), letters (a-zA-Z), hyphen (-). So no space ( ) . _ or other characters like (\ , / ? !*)
- This column is obligatory.
- Name of the primer, will be used in the filename.
- Only use the following characters: numbers (0-9), letters (a-zA-Z), hyphen (-). So no space ( ) . _ or other characters like (\ , / ? !*)
- This column is obligatory.
- Indicate whether your template is a PCR fragment or a Plasmid.
- Indicate how the NSF has to clean your template. Leave empty if no purification is needed.
- This column is obligatory for PCR fragments.
- Indicate the size of your PCR fragment.
- Indicate the GC percentage of the sequence if it is known. In case the GC content is more than 65%, a special sequencing protocol is needed. Please enquire for this option.
Sample Submission guidelines ↑
- Samples should be delivered (when delivered in person to the center) before 15h to ensure proper processing and storing.
- All template plates and tubes should be labeled with unique number (tubes) or identifier (plates, Valid Plate format). All primer aliquots should be clearly and unmistakably marked with unique ID, identical to the column ‘primer’ in ESS.
- Concentration
- Sequencing primer : 5 pmol/µl.
- Purified templates :
- Plasmid DNA : 50 ng/µl
- PCR products < 1 kb : 20 ng/µl
- PCR products > 1 kb : 100 ng/µl
- Volume: for both, primer and template, supply at least 10 µl for each sequencing reaction that needs to be performed with the combination.